
Enable Show Desktop Button

We normally have a show desktop button in our Windows taskbar. This tutorial helps you add the same feature in your dash.

Option A - For Dash to Panel

Dash to Panel settings - enable Show Desktop

Option B - Other docks (Dash to Dock, Ubuntu Dock, etc.):

  1. Install wmctrl
  2. Create a script for Show Desktop
    1. sudo touch /usr/local/bin/show-desktop
  3. Open it using a text editor
  4. Type and save:
    status="$(wmctrl -m | grep "showing the desktop" | sed -r 's/(.*)(ON|OFF)/\2/g')"

    if [ $status == "ON" ]; then
    wmctrl -k off
    wmctrl -k on
    `` 5. Create a desktop file for Show Desktop 1.touch ~/.local/share/applications/show-desktop.desktop`
    6. Open it using a text editor
    7. Type and save

``` [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Show Desktop Icon=desktop Exec=show-desktop ``` 8. Add it to favorites to make it appear in the dock
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